Help is required for the tasks below and otherwise, a reminder of what is takes to run the club, week in, week out: umpires (court, central, boundary, goals), scoreboard attendants, canteen, coaches, gate keepers, committee, trainers, grounds maintenance, water boys, runners, junior footy/ nety coordinator, timekeepers, BBQ, bar, interchange stewards, social committee, Thursday night meals, raffles, working with children officers, licensee, welfare officer, OHS officer, club delegates, tribunal officer, sponsorship manager, cleaners, media, membership manager, merchandise manager, team managers, first aid officers, etc etc.
We are all busy, we are all committed to families, work, community and rest – the BFNC has over 400 participants/ members in a burgeoning community, privileged by comparison, providing a perfect environment to contribute, share the load and ensure we all equally enjoy an amazing game day experience.
Please nominate your availability/ interest for any club task as soon as practical and support the club that supports you.
· Canteen support – Carolyn Carew is seeking a couple of helpers to coordinate canteen activities for the 2021 season. A large workload for one, but a fun task for many !
· Junior meals – The BFNC would like to continue to provide junior meals after Thu training. Seeking the support of junior parents to coordinate this task.
· Social committee – Seeking a small group to form a social events committee for the 2021 season, ideally from the netty/ footy crew.
· Club umpires – Can you assist with umpiring an U13/ 15 or reserves footy match ? Willing to learn?